Xiamen Haiwell Technology Co., Ltd.

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Haiwell open official WeChat,please sweep,surprise

2015-08-13 13:25:05 haiwell

Good news. Xiamen Haiwell open official WeChat service number, now we have entered official WeCha public platform officially.

1.  How to add Haiwell WeChat ?

1). you can through WeChat "sweep" function  to scan below QR code directly and add it.

Haiwell Industry Automation

2). you can through adding friends to find the public number, then you enter “haiwell_plc” to search and add.

2.How to interact?

If you want to know the latest Haiwell developments, or you want to consulting Haiwell pricing information, you can tell us through WeChat about text, images, video, audio, we will have colleague responsible for the answer.

With the WeChat exchange platform, everyone do’t worry missing any Haiwell dynamic:

1). concessions: The first time you can get the "Haiwell" for the latest and most complete product preferences.

2). dynamics: you will know the latest information and the latest developments of Haiwell.

3). announcement: The first time to know the company issued notice of Haiwell.

4). interactive: If that's not enough? You can also interact with our WeChat to understand more products and other information about company's other aspects of information, we will have colleague responsible for reply, as soon as possible to pay attention to it!

Xiamen Haiwell official WeChat is Looking forward to your attention Sincerely !

