Haiwell PLC program and the data of power-off preserve area will be saved forever. H/N host PLCs are with rechargeable battery, which will preserve the data for 40 days after power-off. After 40 days,
Only the N series supports motion control, includes linear interpolation, ARC interpolation and synchronism pulse output. And for high speed pulse output, H series supports at most 4 groups only and N
It supports linear interpolation/ ARC interpolation / synchronism pulse output / absolute address / relative address / backlash compensation / electric original point redefine etc.
No. It is motion control series, so it only supports transistor output.
Only these 3 types of expansion module don’t support DIP dial switch: 16-points digital module, 4-pointsanalog module and temperature module. The dial switch on expansion module can be used for
Relay is mechanical contact, lifetime limitation is about 100000 times. But with strong overload capability, it supports AC and DC load, maximum 2A current for each contact.Transistor has no lif
Default 2 communication ports, 1 RS232 (COM1) and 1 RS485 (COM2, byterminal “A+ B-“). Excluding the default 2 communication ports, C seriesdoesn’t support any more expansion. And T/H/N series can expa
Please refer to “How does PLC communicate with laptop”